Hi everyone... I apologise for the (2nd) long term rest in posting these strips, but there is a good reason! I had actually RUN OUT of Doctor vs Dalek strips! I was still in need of 3 TV comic strips from the Troughton era that feature the Daleks. Well, 3 months later, after some frenzied ebay watching and then bidding, followed by the borrowing of a decent scanner, I can finally bring you those final strips. After these strips are exhausted, I will run non Dalek strips and the name of the blog will change ever so slightly to reflect this. I pretty much have all of the TV comic and Countdown strips, so if you have any that you particularly remember fondly (That one with the Quarks/Scarecrows/flying bicycle/delete as applicable) then feel free to comment and I will post it.
Just in case you're new here - I won't be posting any TV21 Dalek strips or any from DW Weekly/Monthly. Where possible, I use scans of ORIGINAL comics, NOT the DW Classic Comic reprints (Some of these are of questionable quality, especially the colouring) There are a number of Doctor Who strips from TV Comic Holiday Specials, Doctor Who Holiday Specials and TV Comic Annuals. I WILL be posting these. In the mean time, before I post the first episode of a new adventure from the Troughton era, I thought I'd share this:

It's a paper craft version of the TARDIS as seen in Dave Gibbon's Doctor Who weekly strips. I love his simplistic stylised interpretation of the Police Box exterior and I've thought for a long time it would make a lovely paper model and it only took me a couple of hours to draw it out. In earlier strips, the Tardis was
flat roofed and so you have the option to fit a flar roof or a sloping one. simply print out these two pages on a4 paper or thin card and get cutting. If you do actually make the model, I'd love to see it, as I actually haven't made it myself yet! Have fun...